Swim benches: swimming-specific training on dry land
Training on a swim bench is a great way of working on your swimming style and developing strength that is specific to swimming. But why do you need strength training in swimming when it is clearly an endurance sport? The explanation is simple: solid muscular strength forms the basis of a good performance. You won’t be able to achieve perfect movement sequences until the muscles that are used the most – the large latissimus back muscle, the pectoralis chest muscle and the biceps – are strengthened.
Swim on dry land
When swimming in water with training aids like paddles and fins, you work solely with your own bodyweight. Modern swim benches provide more resistance and the great thing about that is: you can vary the resistance levels! You can create new training stimuli using the resistance control or weight plates and develop muscular strength that is specific to swimming. Modern training displays help you do this by allowing you to monitor speed, distance and time. Don’t miss out on this performance advantage and discover the swim benches from Sport-Thieme.