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Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart

product details
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart The human skeleton
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart The spinal cord
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the human musculature
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the human heart
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the nervous system
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the knee
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the shoulder and the elbow
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the trigger points
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart The human skeleton The human skeleton
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart The spinal cord The spinal cord
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the human musculature the human musculature
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the human heart the human heart
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the nervous system the nervous system
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the knee the knee
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the shoulder and the elbow the shoulder and the elbow
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the trigger points the trigger points
Version Price ( Each ) Delivery date Quantity ( Each )
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart The human skeleton The human skeleton W0-623165603 * € 21.84
Leaves warehouse on Thu. 12.09.
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart The spinal cord The spinal cord W0-623165616 * € 21.84
Leaves warehouse on Thu. 12.09.
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the human musculature the human musculature W0-623165629 * € 21.84
Leaves warehouse on Thu. 12.09.
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the human heart the human heart W0-623165632 * € 21.84
Leaves warehouse on Thu. 12.09.
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the nervous system the nervous system W0-623165645 * € 21.84
Leaves warehouse on Thu. 12.09.
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the knee the knee W0-623165658 * € 21.84
Leaves warehouse on Thu. 12.09.
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the shoulder and the elbow the shoulder and the elbow W0-623165661 * € 21.84
Leaves warehouse on Thu. 12.09.
Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart the trigger points the trigger points W0-623165674 * € 21.84
Leaves warehouse on Thu. 12.09.

*All prices quoted exclude VAT, plus delivery costs

Made in Germany

Product description

Product information
  • Material: plastic foil
  • Dimensions (L×W): 100×70 cm
  • Weight: approx. 150 g

Product rating 4

Erler Zimmer Anatomic Wall Chart

4.17 of 5 Stars: Very good

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Productratings from our shops:


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  • Qualität
  • Design
  • Funktionalität

Bought on: 10 April 2024


Hohe Qualität- sehr zu empfehlen

  • Qualität
  • Design
  • Funktionalität

Bought on: 1 July 2022


Professionell sehr gute Detailtreue und didaktisch geschickt dargestellt.

  • Qualität
  • Design
  • Funktionalität

Bought on: 31 August 2022


Lehrtafel Diese Lehrtafel ist zu einfach und nicht schön gezeichnet, es gibt wesentlich feinere. Schade.

  • Qualität
  • Design
  • Funktionalität

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