Rabo "Tricart 2000" tricycle: the tricycle for cool kids
The Rabo "Tricart 2000" tricycle is designed for children that want to go fast. The comfortably shaped seat and backrest encourage children pedal that little bit faster. The tricycle’s seat and frame are arranged specifically so they can help support children with weaker backs. What’s more, due to its design, children with physical disabilities can be safely secured in the seat allowing them to enjoy the Rabo "Tricart 2000" tricycle too.
Product information:- Rubber safety buffers prevent little fingers getting trapped
- Sturdy axle guarantees long-lasting fun even with prolonged use
- The front wheel bearings can be easily replaced thanks to their special design
- Lightweight, sturdy wheels make it easier for small children to pedal
- Durable, long-lasting tyres made of high-quality plastic
- One-piece pedal crank for reduced wear
- Seat made of durable yet soft material
- Pedals and grips made of impact-resistant, durable material
- Powder-coated steel frame
- No need to clean or maintain the wheel bearings and pedals
- Height of the front forks: 58.5 cm
- Distance between grips: 45 cm
- Seat height: 26 cm
- LxWxH: 88x55x60 cm
- Weight: 10 kg
- Max. load: 75 kg
Safe and complies with regulations
All products from Rabo comply with strict TÜV safety regulations and bear the CE mark, which is given to all products that fulfil the EN 71 standard.
The popular children’s vehicle for cruising around. Order the Rabo "Tricart 2000" tricycle today.