These transport wheels were developed specifically for fully welded goals. They can be ordered at the same time as the fully welded goals.
The net brackets were prepared for assembling the wheel to the fully welded goal in the factory. They are mounted in such a way that they the goal doesn't sit on the wheels when stationary. Simply tilt the goal backwards to allow the wheels to make contact with the ground and then you can move the goal.
To reinforce the construction, an additional bar has been welded between the net bracket and the ground spar. As a result, the wheels and goal form one unit.
The wheels are made from foamed polyurethane, and are therefore puncture-proof. They have rolling characteristics similar to air-filled tyres. Before using them for the first time, they need to be attached to the net brackets. This is achieved using minimal fixings thanks to the pre-drilled holes in the net brackets.
The complete set consists of 2 transport wheels.