For mobile goals, 5x2 m with 80x80-mm ground frame tubing. Consisting of:
- 4 anchoring brackets
- 4 ground anchors and fixings
- 1 set sufficient for 1 goal
How safe is your goal?
Portable handball and football goals are sufficiently stable, if they do not tip on impact of a horizontal force of 1,100 N on the upper middle of the crossbar. As well as this, the German GUV public insurer stipulates the labelling of goals. A warning sign must be attached to each goal dependent on the respective standards and indicates that: the goal is exclusively designed for ball games and climbing the net or goal frame is forbidden. Dependent on the design of the football goal, different weights are required to meet GUV and DIN standards.
The following counterweights are required:
Youth goal (5x2 m), goal depth 1 m, counterweight = 200 kg
Youth goal (5x2 m), goal depth 1.5 m, counterweight = 125 kg
Youth goal (5x2 m), goal depth 2 m, counterweight = 100 kg
Small pitch goal (3x2 m), goal depth 1 m, counterweight = 200 kg
Small pitch goal (3x2 m), goal depth 1.5 m, counterweight = 125 kg
Training goal (7.32x2.44 m), goal depth 1.5 m, counterweight = 170 kg
Training goal (7.32x2.44 m), goal depth 2 m, counterweight = 100 kg