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Sport-Thieme "Family I" Snoezelen Set

product details
Sport-Thieme "Family I" Snoezelen Set
Article no. Price (Each) Delivery date Quantity (Each)
W0-621716812 * € 1343.70
Leaves warehouse on Thu. 12.09.

*All prices quoted exclude VAT, plus delivery costs

Product description

Snoezelen family set I – for creating a relaxation area at home
The Snoezelen family set: many parents and relatives wish to set up a smaller relaxation area in their own home. Sport-Thieme has put together a set of products with that in mind. Snoezelen is becoming more and more popular, being offered in centres and other spaces for people with disabilities, for early learning purposes, in nurseries, and in old people's homes. With the support of carers and therapists, professionally equipped Snoezelen rooms can give people affected by perception difficulties the opportunity to relax, activate their senses and develop their perception skills. The Snoezelen family set allows you to equip your own small relaxation area.

Product rating 1

Sport-Thieme "Family I" Snoezelen Set

5 of 5 Stars: Very good

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Bewertung Familien-Set Ich finde einfach das ganze Set toll, es ist komplett und total nutzbar

  • Qualität
  • Design
  • Funktionalität