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Sport-Thieme for Swing Mounting Looped Strap

product details
Sport-Thieme for Swing Mounting Looped Strap
Sport-Thieme for Swing Mounting Looped Strap
Sport-Thieme for Swing Mounting Looped Strap
Sport-Thieme for Swing Mounting Looped Strap
Sport-Thieme for Swing Mounting Looped Strap
Sport-Thieme for Swing Mounting Looped Strap
Article no. Price (Each) Delivery date Quantity (Each)
W0-621680805 * € 13.44
Leaves warehouse on Wed. 18.09.

*All prices quoted exclude VAT, plus delivery costs

Made in Germany

Product description

Combines ceiling hooks with a snap hook or a screw chain link
  • Improved swing performance thanks to reduced friction
  • Prevents hazardous metal fragments that can result from direct suspension
  • High quality, black polyamide
  • L: approx. 45 cm. W: 25 mm
  • Can withstand up to 230 kg

Product rating 2

Sport-Thieme for Swing Mounting Looped Strap

4.5 of 5 Stars: Very good

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