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Sport-Thieme Wheel Caps

product details
Sport-Thieme Wheel Caps
Sport-Thieme Wheel Caps
Sport-Thieme Wheel Caps
Sport-Thieme Wheel Caps
Article no. Price (Set of 4) Delivery date Quantity (Set of 4)
W0-622142904 * € 13.44
Leaves warehouse on Fri. 20.09.

*All prices quoted exclude VAT, plus delivery costs

  • Prevents children's hands getting caught in the castors
  • The soft caps gently push the fingers away from the area
  • Can be fitted to almost any roller board
  • Certified by TÜV Austria
Made in Germany TÜV Austria getestet

Product description

Sport-Thieme wheel caps protect children’s hands
The Sport-Thieme protective wheel caps increase roller board safety, as they gently push the child’s fingers away from the wheels. The caps can be retrofitted to virtually any wooden roller board, provided it doesn't feature double castors.

Product information
  • Material: plastic
  • Diameter: 11 cm
  • Height: 6 cm


certificate number approved by valid for
Product rating 4

Sport-Thieme Wheel Caps

4.42 of 5 Stars: Very good

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Productratings from our shops:


passen nicht auf (Fremd)bretter Die Kappen lassen sich, wie beschrieben, auf alle unsere verschiedenen Modelle von Rollbrettern montieren. Allerdings sind die meisten Rollen zu groß (Radius/Länge). Die Rollen stoßen an die Umrandung der Schutzkappen und rollen daher nicht.

  • Qualität
  • Design
  • Funktionalität

Bought on: 4 July 2022



  • Qualität
  • Design
  • Funktionalität

Bought on: 26 February 2020


Gut und nüztlich Sehr nützliche Anschaffung, bevor Kinderhände in den Rollen schmerzen.

  • Qualität
  • Design
  • Funktionalität

Bought on: 26 January 2018


Alla kan gympa Bra komplement till rullbrädan för små fingrar

  • Kvalitet
  • Design
  • Funktionalitet

Bought on: 19 September 2018